Sunday, May 21, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006

Here is a pic of my blue chevy blazer in front of the nodwell (it needed a boost among other things) for more info on the blazer look here Blazer

Sunday, May 14, 2006
The nodwell
I got the nodwell today!
Its a model fn60 with a ford straight 6 engine. we actually got it running (it sat for 12 years) the hydraulic clutch works, i'm slowly figuring out the gearshift pattern (its like a 4 speed chevy but upside down) i got it to move forward 3 feet and back 3 feet (under its own power) cleaned up the points and replaced the coil. I didn't have my camera with me today but I will tomorrow.
Its a model fn60 with a ford straight 6 engine. we actually got it running (it sat for 12 years) the hydraulic clutch works, i'm slowly figuring out the gearshift pattern (its like a 4 speed chevy but upside down) i got it to move forward 3 feet and back 3 feet (under its own power) cleaned up the points and replaced the coil. I didn't have my camera with me today but I will tomorrow.